Neu im DJ Pool: Caput Medusae - Eerie Dance/Colder Than Ice

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    • Inusa Dawuda (Kingdom of Music)

    • Bild Inusa Dawuda a.k.a the “Black Pharaoh” a former champ of amateur boxing is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, saxophonist, and entertainer. His diverse range as a performer has been the catalyst behind his international success.

      ‘Rumours Digi Digi’, ‘Down Down Down’ ‘Morning Light’ and ‘Rub-A-Dub-Girl’ are just some of the past tunes that have been grooved by the charming ragga flavours of Inusa’s vocal talents, leading him to enjoy support for his recordings from some of the biggest house giants like Erick Morillo by supporting Inusa´s version of “Going Back To My Roots” and many radio rotations worldwide of his radio friendly tracks.

      Having kicked off 2009 - 2010 by being crowned officially C.I.S territory most successful foreign artist”, where to-date his single ‘Rumours-Digi Digi’ has received over hundred of thousands radio plays, Inusa beat a stream of
      fellow foreign artists to achieve this accolade that includes Lady Gaga and David Guetta during that period.

      He has also been quick and wise enough to translate this popularity into live appearances all across Europe, having topped the bill at some of the the most prestigious party venues across the world.

      Inusa Dawuda has his work released on recording labels from BMG to Universal Music, Pacha Recordings, Tiger Records- Kontor Records, Hed Kandi to Kingdom of Music with his summery sounds having captivated a loyal fan base throughout Germany, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Ukraine, Poland, Albania , U.S.A, Spain, France and many countries across the Globe. The increased popularity for his music has spread to widen his appeal in many countries where his music is finding its way onto playlists and club charts.

      Inusa’s persona both as a studio artist and live performer confirm him as one of the most sought-after artists in the house and club music genre.

      Inusa Dawuda has also enjoyed success in the smooth jazz / chillout music genre with some of his house hits like ‘Morning Light’ on Café del Mar and ‘You Are’ covered to cross-over as beautiful ballads. Along with soothing instrumental songs like ‘Reflections,’ ‘Waterfalls,’ and ‘African Nights,’. His talents as an inspired vocalist, saxophonist and performer reveal an amazing musical versatility that commands the attention of audiences across the world.


      Kingdom Of Music
      Inusa Dawuda
      22083 Hamburg
    • 16.02.2015, 05:26 Uhr

Bekim! - Chance At Love (Ben Neeson Radio Edit)

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Eine zielstrebige & qualitative Promotion für alle Genrebereiche wie House, Elektro, Trance, Techno, Hip Hop, Black oder Schlager ist das A und O in der heutigen Neuzeit. Ob Plattenfirma, Artists, oder DJs - wir bieten eine professionelle Dienstleistung rund um Neuerscheinungen und Club Propaganda. Und genau das zeichnet uns aus! Ob In- oder Ausland, der Name Plattenjunkie Promotion ist mittlerweile für viele Labels & DJs ein Begriff und kristallisiert sich nicht nur preislich, sondern auch durch Qualität heraus.

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